15. January 2024

Where mobility and sustainability go hand in hand

Karlsruhe – the place to be

Can you imagine hosting an exhibition and conference like IT-TRANS, which champions sustainable mobility of the future, in a city blighted by smog, traffic jams and noise? No? Nor us! That’s why Karlsruhe and IT-TRANS are perfect partners, with the city boasting a highly efficient public transport system, impressive bike and pedestrian networks, and traffic areas that have been redesigned to create public squares and streets for improved quality of life.

In fact, intelligent transport solutions are so much a part of Karlsruhe’s DNA, it has declared itself a city of mobility transition. The ongoing aim is to make urban space more attractive for pedestrians, particularly in the city centre, while also promising good connections for cars and public transport, and meeting the needs of cyclists too.

Here, Karlsruhe has achieved inspirational results with the so-calles “Kombilösung”. The tramway, which previously ran above ground, has been relocated into a tunnel. At the same time, a further tunnel allows car drivers to travel easily through the city centre under ground, providing welcome relief from traffic jams, noise and emissions. This large-scale project means improved quality of life thanks to less travel congestion, along with improved public transport connections – a perfect illustration of smart urban planning!

Yet there are also many other examples of projects that make Karlsruhe a model city in terms of sustainability and mobility: for example, the city continues to invest in its image as a cycling paradise - through cycle highways as well as attractive city routes. Meanwhile, local research institutions such as the FZI are working on autonomous shuttles for the last mile. In Nordstadt, a new district is to be built on almost 30 hectares, creating a model neighbourhood based on sustainable mobility and green energy supply. KVV's regiomove app ensures intelligent intermodal networking of all modes of public transport, as well as car and bike sharing.

So now you know why Karlsruhe is an unrivalled location for IT-TRANS, the central exhibition for digitalisation in public transport, which, together with its partners and exhibitors, is driving the future of mobility.

Would you like to exhibit at IT-TRANS? More information here!

Keen to find out more about mobility in Karlsruhe? Then click here!

Or would you like to visit IT-TRANS? Get your ticket at a special rate right here!


Do you need an expressive interview, current press photos or a short statement? Press officer Katrin Wagner will be happy to help you.

Press Officer

Katrin Wagner

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